Month: May 2022



By Maggie Cameron / May 23, 2022 / Comments Off on Scanxiety

What is scanxiety? Scanxiety describes the apprehension felt by people with cancer as they wait for their next scan. It’s a form of anticipatory anxiety. Scans are like emotional roulette. You’re trying really hard not to worry about the unknown, but your body has other plans. Recognizing the Signs of Scanxiety Symptoms of scanxiety vary […]

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Carmela Valdivieso

By The EHE Foundation / May 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Carmela Valdivieso

What do you want others to know about EHE? “Getting to know other cases through the EHE Foundation, I realized that, even though all cases are very different, uncertainty is something we all share. I have my hopes on the community built around EHE, where I no longer feel alone and trust that there will […]

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Linda Beaulieu

By The EHE Foundation / May 13, 2022 / Comments Off on Linda Beaulieu

What do you want others to know about EHE? “EHE changed how I see life. I received the diagnosis of EHE one year ago, lung removed and a heart bypass. It was gone! But then it returned this Christmas on my trachea. I am now on medication and hoping that the next scan will be […]

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