Research Projects & Initiatives

Research is the highest priority toward our mission to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for EHE. The EHE Foundation funds studies for promising and effective research, some of which is sponsored and facilitated by our foundation, and some is enabled through private designated donations, grants or partnerships. We rely on the time and talent of expert researchers and clinicians to guide our determinations on the most promising research to pursue. Please visit our Research Grants Program page for more information about EHE Research Grants.

Projects & Initiatives

EHE Patient-Powered Research

The EHE Foundation enables patients to actively participate in finding and driving effective treatments and a cure for EHE. Patients are the most critical component in the advancement of science and drug development. The EHE Global Patient Registry, tissue donation through the EHE Biobank, and the xCures project are all powerful ways that patients can directly impact and participate in EHE research. Director of Research, Denise Robinson, provided an update on the EHE Global Patient Registry at the 2024 EHE 360 Global Patient Conference.

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