Ikena Oncology IK-930 Update

On May 28, 2024, Ikena Oncology announced they are discontinuing the development of IK-930. We share your frustration and disappointment and understand the devastating impact felt by patients.

Following this announcement, we met with Ikena to impress upon them the urgency and importance that patients deriving benefits from IK-930 continue to have access to the drug, and that Ikena be transparent about their plans and timeline. Additionally, as advocates, we believe the data collected in this study provides an unparalleled opportunity for learning and knowledge-sharing. On behalf of all epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) patients who took part in this study – for those remaining on treatment, and for those who discontinued – we promise to continue our dialogue with the company to ensure their experiences on this trial are used for the betterment of others. 

The IK-930 Phase I clinical trial provided hope for patients as a potential treatment option, in some cases, the only option. This trial was the first hint of a future where TEAD inhibitors are a staple in the EHE treatment toolbox. While the development of IK-930 has suffered a setback, there is still a lot of hope and good science coming forward in TEAD inhibitors.

Our dedication and resolve to build a research-ready patient community is only strengthened by this turn of events. Ikena brought forward an opportunity to investigate a novel treatment, and it is essential that we work together to keep pharmaceutical companies interested in studying EHE. If you have EHE please raise your hand, get counted, and help develop a strong research-ready community by joining the EHE Global Patient Registry

We will not cure EHE with data, but with data from everyone affected by EHE, we can be assured that more drug developers will have the confidence to invest in finding a treatment. With you as our champions, we will continue fighting for treatments and a cure for EHE. Just Live!