An important message from Jenni Kovach, President, The EHE Foundation Board of Directors

I am writing today to share an organizational change to The EHE Foundation. After four years as a part-time contractor, Medha Deoras-Sutliff has ended her engagement with the foundation to pursue other opportunities. Medha will continue to provide her services to the foundation until the end of November to ensure a smooth transition. 

Medha came into the foundation at a time when we were experiencing much change and growth. She has been instrumental in building capacity, strengthening our fundraising efforts, expanding support to the EHE community, and improving our day-to-day operations. Having never heard of EHE prior to her role with us, Medha quickly became and will continue to be part of the EHE family.

As we plan to move forward, we will be hiring a full-time Executive Director that will concentrate on foundation management and development (both grants and fundraising efforts). We will be posting the position soon and hope to have someone hired by the end of the year. 

In the meantime, please join me in thanking Medha for her tremendous work and dedication she has provided to the foundation and to our community. 

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