Provider Directory

We encourage you to seek consultation about your EHE diagnosis or, if you're newly diagnosed, confirm your diagnosis with a doctor experienced in treating EHE. Usually, these sarcoma specialists practice at large academic medical centers equipped to provide multi-disciplinary treatment approaches for EHE and other rare cancers. If you have not already done so, we urge you to speak with your doctor about having your tumor tissue reviewed by an expert pathologist.

If you are in Australia, the EHE Rare Cancer Foundation Australia recommends consulting the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association directory of sarcoma specialist centers, where you can find a medical provider specializing in sarcoma care and treatment.

To find sarcoma specialist centers in Europe visit Sarcoma Patients EuroNet.

Please scroll down to access the listing of providers. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].

The information provided in the table below is for your information and is not intended as a recommendation, referral, or medical information. All decisions about your care and treatment should be discussed with your physician or other qualified medical professionals to determine the best course of care for you. The clinicians and institutions provided below were identified through their work with The EHE Foundation and experience with EHE patients. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of physicians.

Click on the provider name to link to their online profile. The information in this table is searchable and also sortable alphabetically by column heading. Click on the Column Heading to show the arrows to sort in ascending or descending order.
NameSpecialtyInstitutionCityState/ProvCountryPhone No.
Mahesh Seetharam, MDMedical OncologyMayo Clinic Cancer CenterPhoenixAZUS(800) 947-3529
Kristen Ganjoo, MDMedical OncologyStanford Comprehensive Cancer CenterPalo AltoCAUS(650) 498-6000
Nam Bui, MDMedical OncologyStanford Comprehensive Cancer CenterPalo AltoCAUS(650) 498-6000
Varun Monga, MBBSMedical OncologyUniversity of California San FranciscoSan FranciscoCAUS(415) 502-1622
Arun S. Singh, MDMedical OncologyUCLA Santa Monica Medical CenterSanta MonicaCAUS(310) 829-5471
Breelyn Wilky, MDMedical OncologyUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical CampusAuroraCOUS(720) 848-0300
Steven Attia, DOMedical OncologyMayo Clinic - JacksonvilleJacksonvilleFLUS(904) 953-0853
Govindarajan Narayanan, MDInterventional RadiologyMiami Cancer Institute Baptist Health South FloridaMiamiFLUS(786) 596-7050
Jonathan Trent, MDMedical OncologySylvester Cancer Center University of MiamiMiamiFLUS(305) 243-1287
Gina D'Amato, MDMedical OncologySylvester Cancer Center University of MiamiMiamiFLUS(305) 243-5302
Kenneth Cardona, MD, FACSSurgical OncologyEmory University Winship Cancer InstituteAtlantaGAUS(404) 686-3203
Seth Pollack MDMedical OncologyRobert H. Lurie Cancer CenterChicagoILUS(312) 695-6180
Priscilla Merriam, MDMedical OncologyDana-Farber Cancer InstituteBostonMAUS(617) 632-5204
Suzanne George, MDMedical OncologyDana-Farber Cancer InstituteBostonMAUS(617) 632-5122
Candace Haddox, MDMedical OncologyDana-Farber Cancer InstituteBostonMAUS(617) 632-5122
Michael Wagner, MDMedical OncologyDana-Farber Cancer InstituteBostonMAUS(617) 632-5122
Gregory Cote, MD, PhDMedical OncologyMassachusetts General HospitalBostonMAUS(617) 724-4000
Christian Meyer, MD, MS, PhDMedical OncologyJohns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel CCCBaltimoreMDUS(410) 502-5940
Scott Schuetze, MDMedical OncologyUniversity of MichiganAnn ArborMIUS(734) 647-8902
Rashmi Chugh, MDMedical OncologyUniversity of MichiganAnn ArborMIUS(734) 647-8902
Scott Okuno, MDMedical OncologyMayo Clinic - MinnesotaRochesterMNUS(507) 284-4137
Brittany Siontis, MDMedical OncologyMayo Clinic - MinnesotaRochesterMNUS(507) 538-3270
Brian van Tine, MD, PhDMedical OncologyWashington University Siteman Cancer CenterSt. LouisMOUS(314) 747-7222
Richard Riedel, MDMedcial Oncology Duke University Cancer CenterDurhamNCUS(919) 613-5550
William Tap, MDMedical OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(646) 888-4163
Cristina Antonescu, MDPathologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(212) 639-5721
Mrinal M. Gounder, MDMedical OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(646)888-4167
Evan Rosenbaum, MDMedical OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(646) 888-6951
Sandra D'Angelo, MDMedical OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(646) 497-9067
Joseph Erinjeri, MD, PhDInterventional RadiologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(844) 934-0148
Robert Maki, MDMedical OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(844) 934-0148
Damon R. Reed, MDPediatric OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew YorkNYUS(212) 639-2640
Dale Shepard, MD, PhDMedical OncologyCleveland ClinicClevelandOHUS(216) 444-6833
Brian Rubin, MD, PhDPathologyCleveland ClinicClevelandOHUS(216) 445-5551
James Chen, MDMedical OncologyThe James Cancer Hospital at OSUColumbusOHUS(614) 293-0463
Lara Davis, MDMedical OncologyOregon Health & Science UniversityPortlandORUS(503)494-7999
Denise M. Adams, MDPediatric OncologyChildren’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphiaPAUS(800) 879-2467
Melissa Burgess, MDMedical OncologyUniv. of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer CenterPittsburghPAUS(412) 692-4724
Benjamin Nacev, MD, PhDMedical OncologyUniv. of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer CenterPittsburghPAUS(412) 692-4724
Elizabeth Davis, MDMedical OncologyVanderbilt Ingram Cancer CenterNashvilleTNUS(615) 936-8422
Vinod Ravi, MDMedical OncologyMD Anderson Cancer CenterHoustonTXUS(844) 913-3769
Robert Benjamin, MDMedical OncologyMD Anderson Cancer CenterHoustonTXUS(844) 913-3769
Lee Cranmer, MD, PhDMedical OncologyFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterSeattleWAUS(855) 557-0555
Elizabeth Loggers, MD, PhDMedical OncologyFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterSeattleWAUS(855) 557-0555
Albiruni Abdul Razak, MDMedical OncologyUHN Princess Margaret Cancer CenterTorontoOntarioCanada(416) 946-2250
Silvia Stacchiotti, MDMedical OncologyIRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei TumoriMilanItaly(+39) 02 2390 2804
Medical OncologyThe Royal Marsden NHS Foundation TrustLondonEnglandUK(+44) 02 7352 8171
Abha Gupta, MDMedical OncologyUHN Princess Margaret Cancer Center/Sick KidsTorontoOntarioCanada(416) 946-2250
Jean-Yves Blay, MD, PhDMedical Oncology UnicancerLyonFrance33 (0)4 78 78 27 57
Tom Wei-Wu Chen, MD, PhDMedical OncologyNational Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH)TaipeiTaiwan
Herbert Loong, MBBSMedical OncologyChinese University of Hong KongHong Kong