Just Live

Just Live tattoos
Just Live!

"Just Live" means so much to the EHE community. It began with a passionate young woman and has grown into a movement!

Georgiana Trandafir joined the EHE support group when she already had advanced EHE. She was undergoing heavy treatment and in constant pain, but she quickly became one of the most engaged and dedicated members fighting for our cause. Georgiana passionately worked on projects, never complained about not feeling well, joked about chemo side effects, supported others, and apologized for being absent for several days when she was too sick to get out of bed. Treatments didn't work and she continued to get sicker.

Georgiana Trandafir
Just Live Original Tattoo

Her motto was to “Just Live” and she shared a tattoo design that she so desperately wanted to get when she felt better. She passed away in November 2014, without ever having a chance to get her tattoo. EHE patients and their families embraced her “Just Live” way of life and it soon represented so much of what The EHE Foundation stands for, which is supporting those affected by EHE by offering hope to “Just Live.” Numerous members and supporters have “Just Live” tattoos.